Christian Falconi

Christian Falconi (CF) was born in Rome, Italy, 1973.
CF received the M.Sc. (cum laude, average ≈ 29.4/30) and the Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in, respectively, 1998 and 2001.
Since 2002 CF is Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Since 2013 CF is Adjunct Professor at the Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU, South Korea).
Since 2017 CF is Adjunct Professor at the Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems – Chinese Academy of Sciences (BINN – CAS, China).
CF has visited top international Universities worldwide, including the University of Linkoping (1 month), TU Delft (7 months), Georgia Tech (14 months), SKKU (1 month) and BINN – CAS (7 weeks).
CF has contributed, as corresponding/co-corresponding author, papers on leading journals in electronics (IEEE TCAS II), sensors (Sensors and Actuators A / B), nanosystems (NanoEnergy, Nanotechnology) and interdisciplinary journals (Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Scientific Reports).
CF has also been invited to give invited talks/lectures at many major international conferences (MRS, ENGE, NGPT, MCARE, EAMC, NENS, IEEE NEMS), Universities/research centers (SKKU, Case Western Reserve University, Samsung SAIT, BINN – CAS) and Schools (Eurosensors School, School on “NanoEnergy and NanoSystems”).
Since 2015 CF is an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports (
Since 2021 CF is Editorial Board Member for Nanoenergy Advances (
His research interests include analog electronics, electronic interfaces, sensors, micro-nanosystems, electronic devices, biomedical engineering and nanogenerators.